Monday, August 11, 2008


I have been running since December. I have to admit when I started. I was saying "I am not a runner." It was very true at first. It took time. It helped that I have a friend that runs because I was meeting someone many times so I couldn't change my mind. I also have somewhere indoors to run. Our local high school has an indoor track that is open to the public. My ipod helps me too. When the run gets hard, I focus on the music instead of thinking about how I want to be done.

Another thing that helps me is running right away in the morning. I get up, get dressed to run and I am out the door within a few minutes. (I am sure I am quite a sight to some of my neighbors. If you are one of them, honestly I do look in the mirror and freshen up a bit.) This helps because I focus on getting ready (which takes all of my mental capabilities when I first get up) instead of thinking about how I don't really want to go outside, hit the pavement and get all sweaty. It is also much cooler at this time of the day. I have found that when I run in the morning I don't tend to suffer the afternoon tiredness which is very helpful.

I have seen a lot of benefits from running. I feel great. I have also dropped two pants sizes. I am sleeping better.

One website that a friend mentioned to me was Map My Run. I have enjoyed using this for about the last few weeks. You can use it to keep track of your workouts. I even joined the Asics challenge which is to run 100 miles in a month. I am 32 miles towards my goal.

How do you challenge yourself? Is there something you thought you could never do? Have you tried it? If you have and found it very difficult, do you have a support system? If you need encouragement, I will volunteer because I know how helpful it is to both of us.

Remember Philippians 4:13. Paul said, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I know you have probably heard it before and perhaps it seems a little overused but does that make it untrue? The key is "through Christ." Perhaps it seems like your goal would be unimportant to Christ but Paul said "all things." Your goal is important to God.

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